Wolf Incorporated, based in Chamonix since 2003,
is a translation and interpretation company that will act as your interface with the French. Whether it is cutting through the red tape of French bureaucracy, sourcing accommodation long-term or weekly, finding property to purchase, or putting you in contact with the right people... Wolf Inc. is there to help you: as one client says, "Wolf makes it easy."
Wolf Inc. is run by Wendy Stevenson, who has been based in Chamonix since 1990. Wendy is Irish but is equally fluent in French and English. Wendy is available to arrange and accompany you to meetings with banks, solicitors, accountants, tradesmen, etc. She has an in-depth understanding of the complex legal requirements of the various French authorities.
How does Wolf-Inc work? Your company or you personally pre-pay for hours from Wolf Inc.
Then, whatever your problem or requirement, Wolf will fix it.
A current list of properties on the market is available on request.